Work Experience

Every year, I offer young people from local schools and colleges the opportunity to undertake work experience in my constituency office in Crewe. This is a great opportunity to gain valuable experience and learn many transferable skills which will be useful in any future career path that you choose. 

From general office admin, to helping me with casework, and learning about how we use social media, the work we do is so varied that you can learn a wide variety of skills in a relatively short period of time.  

We can provide placements to residents of Crewe and Nantwich, either for a week during school holidays or sometime during term time. Just get in touch and we will see what we can provide.  

This is what our previous work experience placements had to say about their experience: 

"During the week in the Kieran's office, I have been able to have an insight on how much responsibility the MP has and how many local matters there are to face on a day-to-day basis.  

As part of my work experience, I had the chance to deal with a few cases where I completed some of my own research and drafted emails to respond with. This allowed me to experience first-hand the issues in the local area and how Kieran and his team deals with them. It was great to see how involved Kieran is with Crewe and Nantwich, as I was given the task to research events that he could attend to in his spare time, which he was very eager to do considering how busy he is. 

 Throughout the course of my work experience, I joined meetings, helped get surveys ready for Shavington, researched into cases and generally got involved with the tasks that the whole team worked on. I was mostly pleased with how organised it was, as it made it a lot easier for me to understand as people were allocated roles depending on what the local issue was and we had planned what to do for the week through the team meeting.  

On my last day, I attended a meeting with Kieran at the UTC senior school, where I made notes on what was said and gave some suggestions myself. This was great to be a part of as I got to see Kieran in action as he was able to make sure everything was going smoothly at the school and be involved in what was taking place. I had a great time working for my local MP and his team, as I was always made to feel welcome and I generally looked forward to going in and working. I couldn't recommend this experience more!"

Sophie – Shavington Academy 


“To be honest, when I walked into the office on Monday morning: suited and booted, a little worried and wondering why on earth I had decided to spend my week off school doing even more work, I was anticipating a long week of coffee runs. What I was met by however, was a friendly and productive (and surprisingly funny) environment - perfect for someone as interested and exhilarated by current affairs and communicating with people as I am.

Over the course of the week, I wrote letters, engaged in a meeting and even learned how to operate a variety of office equipment which amused me greatly! I am looking forward to reapplying the technical and social skills I developed over the course of this informative experience. And who knows? Maybe I’ll be standing for election one day...”

- Oliver, age 15

If you would like to enquire about doing work experience with us, please fill in the form below and one of my team will in touch to organise this with you if we have any availability. 

Work Experience Contact Form